Where can I find a coupon code?
Our valid discount codes are usually found in our promotional emails (sign-up form is at the bottom of our site), the promotional banner of our website, and on our social media fan pages.
How do I use a coupon code?
On the “CART” page, there is a space to enter your coupon code under your cart item(s).
Can I use multiple discount codes on a single order?
Discount codes don't stack. Only one discount at a time can apply to a single order.
My coupon code doesn’t work.
Not seeing the price reduction after clicking ‘Apply’? Here are some of the most common reasons why your coupon might not be working:
- You haven't entered the code exactly as it was advertised - Try copying and pasting it and don't leave any extra characters or spaces.
- The code is expired - All codes' life eventually comes to an end, make sure you use it before that happens.
- When using a coupon or promotion code only one can be applied to your order at a time.
If you are still experiencing problems after checking all the boxes above, please email us.
How can I buy a Gift Card?
Gift Cards can be purchased and redeemed online at https://www.fapmart.com/collections/gift-card. eGift Cards are sent to recipients via email.
How do I redeem my gift cards?
On the “Payment” page, there is a space to enter your gift card or discount code under your cart item(s).
Will my Gift Card ever expire or lose value?
Our Gift Cards never expire or lose value.
Can a gift card be used more than once?
Yes, provided there is still a balance remaining on the card.
Can more than one gift card be used towards a purchase?
Yes. You can redeem another gift card during checkout.
Can a gift card be used to pay for shipping and taxes?
Yes, gift cards are applied to the final order total which includes shipping and taxes.
Can I use gift cards in conjunction with a discount code?
Yes, gift cards are a form of payment.